Working Hours 6 AM - 8 PM Central Time
Call: US +1 (307) 207-1072 | IND +91 8978852912

About Us

Know all about our Core Values at Fiducia Tax

What Sets Us Apart ?

Are you worried about tax filings, deadlines, and filing procedures?
Do not worry. A group of most experienced tax professionals are here for you from Fiducia Tax to help you.

We represent all your tax and financial needs with care and expertise. You would get the highest satisfaction with our end to end services for Tax returns.

Mission Possible!

To provide world-class service at an unbelievably low price by providing various financial solutions customized (especially for you) to every individual client.

Quality Assured Client Satisfaction

Based on your specifications, we offer different and customized solutions that are hassle-free. We focus on delivering high-quality service, simple to complex USA tax filing scenarios that simplify the complicated tax process. Our professional accountant's team is always at your service, which helps you relieve your tax burden by minimizing your tax liabilities to maximize the available deductions. Filing a tax return and planning our own financial goals seems comfortable in this global village; however, only a professional team can ensure you get back everything you deserve. They would analyze the best planning and the appropriate strategy to obtain the best and relevant results.

Data Security

We implement multi-level security for your data. All your data is only available on our approved applications and tools. We monitor every activity on our system and every piece of customer information with supervisory tools.

The non-public information of our customers is restricted only to authorized users. We have many security protocols, which gets satisfied in every instance, 24/7. Data is accessible only on 'need to have access' based protocol on our' secured systems in our premises. Clean desk policy restricts our colleagues from bringing any mobile phones, pen drives, harddisks, writable devices, and copying equipment to the work area. Not even papers, pens, and pencils are allowed. With the best-updated security patches and anti-phishing tools, our anti-virus vaults keep your data secured from any hackers or data breaches.